Annie Tomlinson's picture

Born and raised in Denver, CO, I grew up exploring the Rocky Mountains by foot and ski. A short stint at Lewis & Clark College in Portland, OR allowed me a taste for the beautiful Cascades, but I promptly returned to the land of light, dry snow to pursue a degree in Hydrology at Colorado State University. In the past few years, I have been a field instructor for various outdoor education institutions and currently work as a trip instructor for the CSU Outdoor Program, guiding rock climbing and backcountry skiing courses. I met my first glacier on a semester NOLS course in Chile and let’s face it - I’m committed to a life-long love affair. In a few short weeks I will be running off of the graduation stage and onto a plane headed to Alaska and I couldn’t be more thrilled to join the Exit Glacier Guide crew this summer! 

To Be Determined
Seasons with Exit Glacier Guides: 
To Be Determined


Member for
9 years 10 months