Well, after two months of working in the frozen arctic I can say without a shadow of doubt that I'm ready for the summer season to begin.  As much as I love large scale industrial construction projects in a barren, frozen man camp environment- I'm quite stoked to be surrounded by the mountains, glaciers and open ocean here in Seward.  We kick off the guided trips in about a week and a half, but the shuttle will start running in four days with the coming of the first cruise ship of the season.  Some shop remodeling thanks to Julian, some new equipment, new trips, new guides- all exciting stuff to begin with.  We are even revamping how we run logistics as we continue to tweak this little project we call Exit Glacier Guides.  When Brendan picked me up at the Anchorage Airport we made an immediate stop to purchase a shop item that was the biggest hit last year- a fresh keg for the shop kegerator!  

That's all for now, but keep checking back to see how the summer progresses.....